Alkem Laboratories Limited Hiring for QA,QC-Executive/Sr. Officer


Alkem Laboratories Limited Walk In Interview 2024. Alkem Laboratories Limited Notification full details below..Interested and eligible candidates can attend interview on scheduled tiQ,QC-Formulation and venue.A single idea, which sprouts from a human mind, contains the potential to create marvels that can influence generations. It can redefine rules, it can transform the world. Back in the year 1973, a team of individuals caQ,QC-Formulation with such an idea – The idea called Alkem.

Vacancy details:

  • Department: QA,QC-Executive/Sr.Officer
  • Qualification: M.Sc/B. Pharmacy/Mpharm
  • Experience Required:02-6  years

Job Description: Greeting from Alkem Laboratories Limited !!!!

Important Details :

Location: Sikkim

Post of date:23/2/2024

Selection Process: The selection will be on the basis of Interview.

Mode of Interview: Face To Face Interview

Interview Rounds of Interview: HR


screenshot 2024 02 22 135938


Send Resume To HR mail [email protected]

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Ankit Karma

Hi, I am author of this blog having 10 years of experience in pharma indusrty. Connect with me.