Arene Lifesciences – Walk-In Interviews for Production / QA / QC / EHS / Maintenance on 18th to 20th July’ 2024

Arene Lifesciences Limited, one of the Quality conscious Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Manufacturer having state of the art Manufacturing Facilities with WHO-GMP approvals and Certificate of Suitability for the APIs. Since 2004, Arene Lifesciences Limited is committed to a cause to deliver the best and to aim for continuous improvement in order to transform new knowledge into innovative synthetic processes, designed to ensure quality, efficiency and sustainability.

Arene Lifesciences Limited – Walk-In Interviews. We are conducting Walk-In Interviews for Following..


1. Production(API)- 1 to 8 Years

2. Maintenance (Fitters)- 1 to 3 Years

3. Quality Control- 1 to 5 Years

4. Quality Assurance- 4 to 7 Years

5. Maintenance- Senior Manager/ AGM (Qualification: B. Tech, Mech. API Experience)

Date & Venue Details:

DATE: 18th to 20th July’24

Work Location & Venue:

Arene Lifesciences Unit- III, Sy. No’s- 12 & 13, Yavapur Village, Vikarabad Road, Sadasivpet (M), Sanagareddy (D), Telangana- 502 291.



  • Production: 3 to 10 Years
  • Quality Assurance: 2 to 6 Years
  • EHS: 4 to 6 Years

Walk-In Interview Details:

Dates: 18th to 20th July’24

Work Location & Venue:

Arene Lifesciences Unit- I, Sy. No’s- 48-50, 209-211, IDA II, Pashamylaram

Village, Patancheru (M), Sangareddy (D), Telangana- 502 307.

Contact No: 7674888964


Ankit Karma

Hi, I am author of this blog having 10 years of experience in pharma indusrty. Connect with me.