Aurobindo Pharma / Deccan Fine Chemicals – Mini Job Mela on 8th Sep’ 2023

SD & T Department // Mini Jobmela // Vizianagaram District //08-SEP-2023
Participating Companies:
1. Deccan Fine Chemicals (I) Pvt. Ltd.
2. Aurobindo Pharmaceuticals Unit-14.
3. Team Lease (SBI Cards, Union Bank)

Venue: Govt. ITI College, V.T. Agraharam, Beside TTDC, 535002
Time: – 09:00 am onwards
Interested candidates can register with below link.

Note: Candidates must attend in formal dress with copies of resumes and copies of qualification credentials.
For further details please
Tarun (Dedicated ESC Co. Ord) – 8099461303
Swami (Technical Trainer) – 9618792572
Bhaskar (Placement Executive) – 9000102013
APSSDC Helpline – 9988853335


Ankit Karma

Hi, I am author of this blog having 10 years of experience in pharma indusrty. Connect with me.