Dr.Reddys Laboratories Ltd Walk-in On 25th Feb 2024

We are conducting Walk-in Interviews for the below open positions

Location : Electronic City, Bangalore

Designation : Team Member-Quality Control(Nasal)

Job Description:

Analysis of Nasal products.

Handing of instruments like HPLC, Spray view, Spray Tec, Viscometer, Microscope etc.

Able to perform analysis like Assay, BKC, PEA, RS by HPLC of Nasal products

Able to perform pump delivery, foreign particulate matter my microscope, PSD by Spray Tec, DDU (Delivery Dosage Unit) analysis etc..

On time intimation and initiation of deviations if any.

Good co-ordination with team.

Should have good analytical skills by following good laboratory practices.

Interested folks can walk-in with your resume at the mentioned venue

Please book your slot by sending email to [email protected]

Ankit Karma

Hi, I am author of this blog having 10 years of experience in pharma indusrty. Connect with me.