Hiring for Arene Lifesciences – Walk-In on 22nd and 23rd Dec’ 2023 for Production / QA / QC / Maintenance / PPIC / BTech Computer Freshers

Arene Lifesciences Limited, one of the Quality conscious Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Manufacturer having state of the art Manufacturing Facilities with WHO-GMP approvals and Certificate of Suitability for the APIs. Since 2004, Arene Lifesciences Limited is committed to a cause to deliver the best and to aim for continuous improvement in order to transform new knowledge into innovative synthetic processes, designed to ensure quality, efficiency and sustainability. Our leaders step outside to do things that symbolize our vision “to be recognized as a one of the leading Global manufacturers of Quality API and their intermediates”.

Arene Lifesciences Limited – Walk-In Interviews 

We are conducting Walk-In Interviews for Following..

  • Department: Production / QA / QC / Maintenance / PPIC / B.Tech Computer Freshers
  • Experience: 01 to 08 yrs
  • Job Location: Hyderabad

Date & Venue Details:

  • Date of Interview: 22nd & 23rd Dec’ 2023
  • Venue: Arene Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd, Unit-III,  Sy. No: – 12 & 13, Yavapur Village, Sadasivpet, Sangareddy, Hyd, TS-502291.
  • E-Mail: careers@arenelife.com / hr@arenelife.com
  • Contact: +91 7674888956 / 8096073237 

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Ankit Karma

Hi, I am author of this blog having 10 years of experience in pharma indusrty. Connect with me.