Hiring for Biocon Recruiting For Intern – MSc E and C, Instrumentation Engineering

Biocon Biologics is a subsidiary of Biocon Ltd, an innovation led global biopharmaceuticals company. Biocon Biologics is engaged in developing high quality, affordable biosimilars that can expand access to a cutting-edge class of therapies to patients globally. It is uniquely positioned as a fully integrated pure play’ biosimilars organization in the world and aspires to transform patient lives through innovative and inclusive healthcare solutions. The Company has a large portfolio of biosimilars under global clinical development with three of these commercialized in at least one of the developed markets of EU, U.S. and Japan. Biocon Biologics has a product pipeline of 28 molecules, including 11 with Mylan, several with Sandoz and is developing many independently. Biocon Biologics believes that strong partnerships offer enormous opportunities to co-create the future of healthcare, building a patient ecosystem beyond the product, which can transform millions of lives.

Vacancy details:

  • Post Name: Instrumentation Engineering
  • DEPARTMENT : Production, Manufacturing & Engineering
  • Qualification: B.Tech/B.E., MS/M.Sc(Science),M.Tech
  • Experiences: Freshers

Job Description: Greeting from Biocon Limited !!!!

Important Details :

  • Location: Bengaluru
  • Post of date:18/12/2023
  • Selection Process: The selection will be on the basis of Interview.
  • Mode of Interview: Face to Face
  • Interview Rounds of Interview: HR

Job description

Looking for interns for a 6 months period with the following skills:

  • Basics of Control System, hardware, measuring instruments
  • Proficiency in MS Office
  • Good in Analytical skills
  • Collaborative skills
  • Basics of Control System, PLC, filed instruments
  • Computer proficiency in MS Office
  • Problem solving and analyzing skills
  • Computer proficiency
  • Incident investigation and data mining
  • Cause analysis, reasoning and report writing

Good English speaking & writing skills


Ankit Karma

Hi, I am author of this blog having 10 years of experience in pharma indusrty. Connect with me.