Ipca Laboratories Ltd Walk-in On 18th Feb 2024 B.Pharma/B.Sc/M.Sc/M.Pharma,12th/ITI/Diploma for Multiple Positions

A consumer-led global pharmaceutical company, creating healthy doses of life since 1949. When you operate in an industry like pharmaceuticals, your work goes way beyond creating ‘products for customers’. It is different from any other domain – there lies a higher sense of responsibiliti and a need for utmost integriti in everything you do. As you serve millions of lives, high qualiti standards become a pre-requisite, and safeti of your people and consumers always comes first. All this, while ensuring that each life you touch is treated with respect and digniti.

Vacancy details:

  • Post Name: Quality Control, AMV, Packaging-Executive, Officer/ Sr. Officer, Machine Operator
  • Qualification: B. Pharma/B.Sc, M.Sc/M.Pharma, 12th/ITI/Diploma
  • Experienced: 2 – 10 years
  • Salary: Not Disclosed

Job Description: Greeting from Ipca Limited  !!!

Important Details :

  • Location: Pithampur
  • Post of date:13/2/2024
  • Selection Process: The selection will be on the basis of Interview.
  • Mode of Interview: Face To face Interview
  • Interview Rounds of Interview: HR

Job Description:

•To perform Planning & Analysis of RM/PM/Stability, HPLC GC, UV & FTIR.

•To perform Analysis of RM/PM/Stability, HPLC GC, UV & FTIR

•Tp perform Analytical Method Validation verfication on HPLC,DR & GC System.

•To perform operation of CAM Blister (NMX)/BQS Blister CAM Cartonator Machine

Ipca Laboratories Interview Details: 

screenshot 20240210 220956 linkedin

Date : 18/02/2024

Time: 09:30 to 17:00

Venue: Essentia Hotel, near World Cup Square, Pipliyahana, Indore, Madhya Pradesh

Job Location/Plant Address:

Ipca Laboratories Limited (Formulation / OSD Plant)

1 Pharma Zone, SEZ Pithampur 454775 (MP)

T: +91 8827007092


[email protected]

[email protected]


Ipca Laboratories Limited does not seeks any kind of payment from a prospective candidates for employment or authorized any agency or any individual to collect fees or charge of recruitment. please be caution while dealing with anyone.


Ankit Karma

Hi, I am author of this blog having 10 years of experience in pharma indusrty. Connect with me.