Nagindas Hiralal Bhayani QA/ QC/ QC Micro/ Production/ Engineering/ Store/maintenance Freshers and experience


Nagindas Hiralal Bhayani Walk In Interview 2024.Nagindas Hiralal Bhayani Notification full details below..Interested and eligible candidates can attend interview on scheduled time and venue.We’re Bhayani Group, a conglomerate specializing in manufacturing plastic, pharma, and chemicals and providing world-class warehousing services. The foundation of Bhayani Group was first seeded by Mr. Nagindas Hiralal Bhayani. Later, in the 1990s, Mr. Kishor Bhayani, Mr. Pankaj Bhayani, & Mr. Jatin Bhayani put the wheels of growth in the company.

Vacancy details:

  • Post Name: QA/ QC/ QC Micro/ Production/ Engineering/ Store 
  • Qualification: M.Sc,Bsc,bpharm,Mpharm,ITI,Diploma,
  • Experienced: 0 to 20 Years

Job Description: Greeting from Nagindas Hiralal Bhayani !!!!

Important Details :

Location: Gujarat

Post of date:07/03/2024

Selection Process: The selection will be on the basis of Interview.

Mode of Interview: Face To Face Interview

Interview Rounds of Interview: HR

Walk-in Interview Details


If interested, please send your updated resumes at: [email protected]


Ankit Karma

Hi, I am author of this blog having 10 years of experience in pharma indusrty. Connect with me.