National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) Walk-in Drive 25/06/2024 to 04/07/2024 for 74 Posts

CSIR-NAL is a unit under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), an autonomous body under the Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. Applications are invited from qualified candidates (Indian nationals) who meet the necessary educational and work experience for engagement of Project Staff to work in various projects at CSIR-NAL. The engagement of Project Staff is purely on temporary and contract basis under the CSIR/Externally funded/Other projects undertaken by CSIR-NAL. The engagement shall be for short period and co-terminus with the project. Candidates who fulfil the under-mentioned educational qualifications and experience etc. may attend the Walk-in-Interview during 25/06/2024 to 04/07/2024 along with the application, in the prescribed format enclosed, as detailed below:

*Positions may vary as per the Project requirements and CSIR-NAL will make a panel of waitlisted candidates to supplement the new projects. Such panel will be valid for one year from the date of notification of result, or till the completion of the project, whichever is earlier.

Monthly Stipend / Emoluments:

I. Project Assistant: ₹20,000/- + HRA

II. Project Associate-I

(a) ₹25,000/- + HRA

(b) * ₹31,000/- + HRA to Scholars who are selected through (i) National Eligibility Tests – CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or
GATE or (ii) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions.

III. Project Associate-II

(a) ₹28,000/- + HRA

(b) * ₹35,000/- + HRA to Scholars who are selected through (i) National Eligibility Tests – CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or
GATE or (ii) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions.

V. Senior Project Associate: ₹42,000/- + HRA

* NOTE: Candidates appearing for position of PA-I and PA-II having valid GATE score card will be paid only ₹25,000/- and ₹28,000/- + HRA
respectively. If at all, the project needs GATE qualification, only then, they will be paid ₹31,000/- and ₹35,000/- + HRA respectively.

Important Dates

  • Date of Interview: 25-06-2024 to 04-07-2024

Age Limit (as on 25-06-2024)

  • Minimum Age Limit : 35 Years
  • Maximum Age Limit : 50 Years
  • Age relaxation is Applicable as per rules


  • Candidates Should Possess Diploma/B.E/ B.Tech/B.Sc/ BCA/M.E/M.Tech/M.Sc (Relevant Subject)

Walk-in-Interview Dates:
The candidates willing to attend the Walk-in-Interview are informed to report at CSIR-NAL (RAB Meeting Complex, National Aerospace Laboratories [NAL],
Adjacent to SBI, NAL Branch, Kodihalli, Bengaluru – 560017 on the specified dates between 8.30 AM to 9.30 AM for registration and verification of documents.


 No candidates are allowed for registration after 09.30 AM.

 Candidates who wish to apply for more than one position need to apply separately for each position.

 Candidates are informed to bring a copy of Aadhar Card or any Government issue ID Cards with photograph of the applicant and duly filled in application
form (available in our website) without fail, along with latest passport size photograph, original certificates with one set of Xerox copies (including
Caste Certificate, if any, in the proper format issued by the appropriate authority as per the latest instructions issued from time to time on the subject).

 Preference will be given to those with experience as per the desirable skills and ability to work as a part of a team.

 Further, you may have to come with necessary preparations to attend the interview on the next day in the event of your interview not being completed
on the indicated day for any reason

For further information, please visit:

For any query please contact

 080-25086078, Email: [email protected]

Notification- Click Here


Ankit Karma

Hi, I am author of this blog having 10 years of experience in pharma indusrty. Connect with me.