QA,QC,PPIC,IT,BD,RM Purchase,Engineering Openings At Cotec healthcare pvt. ltd

Cotec healthcare pvt. ltd Walk In Interview 
2023.Cotec healthcare pvt. ltds Notification full details below..Intrested and eligible candidates can attend Interview on scheduled time and venue.Cotec Healthcare was incorporated as cotec healthcare private limited company under the 1998 as a private limited company under the companies Act. 1956. Cotec Healthcare private limited was established & Headed by the Mr. R.K. Tiwari, who wass in chemistry and had vast experience of 48 years in running a pharmaceutical Company. 

Vacancy details:

  • Post Name: QA,QC,PPIC,IT,BD,RM Purchase,engineering
  • Qualification: Graduate,ITI,MBA,
  • Experience: 1-6+ Yeras

Job Description: Greeting from  Cotec healthcare pvt. ltd !!!

Important Details :

Location: Kishanpur roorkee

Post of date:24/2023

Selection Process: The selection will be on the basis of Interview.

Mode of Interview: Face to Face interview

Interview Rounds of Interview: HR

Send Resume To Hr mail [email protected]

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Ankit Karma

Hi, I am author of this blog having 10 years of experience in pharma indusrty. Connect with me.