Saga Lifesciences – Urgent Openings for QC / Production / Regulatory Affairs / Inventory / Graphics / Operators

Saga Lifesciences Limited is an Indian Pharmaceutical company based in Ahmadabad, India which was established in 1981. It is a very progressive company having global presence and dominance. Saga Labs is a privately owned company manufacturing and supplying finished pharmaceutical products and is one of the largest suppliers of medicines. The satisfaction of the customers and providing good service to them are some of the motives of the company which it constantly wishes to fulfil. The company is unwavering in its determination to attain excellence in all that it does and sets the highest standards for itself in the areas of health, safety, quality, cost and research and development programs. It has a philosophy which involves continuous improvement. Releasing the potential of the company and where it stands in the market always helps.

We are having job Openings for the Post of below Positions.
1. Compression- Operator ( OSD Formulation )
2. Executive-Production ( OSD Formulation).
3. Officer-Production ( OSD Formulation).
4. Officer-QC (HPLC)/Officer-ADL/Assistant Manager-Reviewer
5. Manager-Production.
6. Manager-RA/Assistant Manager-RA.
7. Executive-Inventory
8. Graphics- Designer-01

Those who are interested please share their resume on [email protected] or 8347011134 / 88.
Devendra Dawande

Ankit Karma

Hi, I am author of this blog having 10 years of experience in pharma indusrty. Connect with me.